Safety From a Kid’s Perspective

Safety is a top priority throughout Walbridge Group companies. The drumbeat of thinking, demanding and delivering safety in everything we do is constant.

But does that mindset extend beyond employees? What about their kids?

One of those Walbridge Group companies is DFM Solutions, a women-owned integrated facility management company based in Detroit. The firm held a Pre-Task Analysis Contest in December where children of employees, through artwork, identified potential hazards in everyday life and then offered solutions.

Employees of DFM Solutions and Walbridge gathered at DFM Solutions’ office to judge 75 entries.

Lauren Rakolta

“I grew up around construction and big, noisy equipment, so safety was emphasized to me early on,” said Lauren Rakolta, President of DFM Solutions. “The parents of most of these kids work in settings where potential hazards are common. It’s never too early to get kids focused on being safe and keeping the people around them safe.”

The contest challenged both the creative and reasoning sides of the kids’ brains. Some entries were simple, as was the case with one 8-year-old.

Activity: Riding your bike.
Potential Hazard: Knee scrapes or head injury.
Hazard Solutions: When riding your bike you should 1# wear your knee pads. 2# And wear your helmet.

Some, on the other hand, were quite candid, as demonstrated by a 9-year-old.

Activity: Retrieving Christmas tree from rafters.
Potential Hazard: Don’t be an idiot like this guy! (The illustration shows a man falling off a ladder in an attic.) He does not have three points of contact!
Hazard Solutions: Always have 3 points of contact!

“Kids see things from a different perspective then we do,” Lauren said. “They cut through the clutter and get down to what’s important to them. I was really impressed with how they identified hazards and then offered thoughtful solutions. We can learn from that.”

After reviewing ballots cast by more than 50 people, the judges recognized these individuals for their work:

First Place: “Riding Your Bike” by Grace Haller. Parent: Molly Haller from the DFMS main office.
2nd Place: “Texting and Driving” by Dior Krouse. Parent: Chennetta Ross at the Sterling Axle Plant.
2nd Place (tie): “Playing with Swords” by Colton Czarnecki. Parent: Melissa Czarnecki at the DFMS main office.


3rd Place: “Retrieving Christmas Tree from Rafters” by Tate Couch. Parent: T.J. Couch at the Dundee Plant.
3rd Place (tie): “Spray Painting” by Draven Dannan. Grandfather: Frank Jarvis at Buffalo Stamping Plant.
3rd Place (tie): “Painting” by Izzie Starkweather. Parent: John Starkweather at the DFMS main office.
3rd Place (tie): “Monkey Bars” by Joe Haller. Parent: Molly Haller at the DFMS main office.
Melissa Czarnecki

Melissa Czarnecki, Corporate Safety Manager, and Bonnie Campbell, Marketing and Diversity Coordinator, created and implemented the contest, including leading efforts to assemble all of the artwork and coordinate the judging.

Tania Mayberry sent out email messages encouraging employees of DFMS and Walbridge to help judge the contest.

Melissa said the contest was beneficial to parents as well as the kids.

“When parents see their kids identify hazards and create solutions, it makes them more aware of what they’re doing on the job,” she said. “We all want to get home and see our kids at the end of the day. This reinforces that feeling.”

Bonnie Campbell

Bonnie was impressed with the level of involvement throughout the DFMS organization.

“We had great participation, including children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews,” she said. “Team members were excited to show off the creativity and talent of their kids. We’re hoping this becomes a permanent part of the DFMS Safety program.”