A Spectacular Community Turnout

Among the thousands of super heroes, princesses and other costumes, Walbridge Project Manager Hobie Stamper was divvying out candy left and right.

Normally donned for his daily work on construction sites, his PPE served a different purpose on Oct. 31 this year: A costume.

As soon as he’d point to the wheel-barrow full of full-size Kit-Kat, Hershey, Reese’s and other candy, children would smile and parents would gratefully thank him.

“It was great to see the kids, (and some of the parents), faces light up when they saw we were giving out full size candy bars,” he said. “We were the hit of the Trunk or Treat!”

Hobie Stamper

Stamper, members of Walbridge’s Ford DCT team and Walbridge’s marketing department supported Ford during its trunk or treat event at Michigan Central Station. Among the many vendors that set up both inside and outside of building, Walbridge took a white Ford truck, adding some hay, a wheelbarrow, topped it off with a balloon arch and added the icing on the cake: Full-size candy bars.

Families started arriving almost as soon as set up was complete, eager to enjoy the evening, which featuring not only candy but dancing, pumpkins and a variety of other Halloween-themed events.

“I felt honored to support Ford in this fantastic community event,” Stamper said. “It was truly my pleasure.”

Stamper thanked Ford for their community-dedication as well as the Detroit Police Department and Detroit Fire Department, which both helped direct traffic and keep everyone safe.

The true family atmosphere of the event had Stamper smiling as the last candy bar was taken and the event concluded. Kids excited at the idea of a “whole” candy bar, parents smiling as a shy trick or treater asked for candy – it was hard to not smile with the feeling of community around every corner.

“There were thousands of people that turned out for this and it was nice to see everyone focusing on the kids,” he said.